A New Start Feels Marvellous

Like the pop of a teaspoon in a new jar of coffee.
Like being the first person to step out onto fallen snow.
Like the neater-than-neat writing on the first page of a notebook.
Like the fold down the centre of new socks.
Like the first, super fizzy mouthful of from a ‘just opened’ bottle of lemonade.
Like the wave of warm air that greets you as you step off the aeroplane on the first day of your holiday, a fresh start feels marvellous!

Like the neater-than-neat writing on the first page of a notebook.

After six years of blogging, a wedding, two house moves, IVF, a new addition and several (yes I’m bragging) awards, I decided it was time to retire my original blog, Vintage Folly.

I’d fallen out of love with it.  Foolishly I didn’t keep my security measures up to date and allowed hackers to move in to my website.  Once they were in, it was near impossible to keep them out, or recover the images and articles that they’d destroyed.  Every time I went to write a post, I was faced with the mess that had been made of my memories.  The sheer amount of work I’d need to do in order to put things right was just overwhelming.

I’d stopped enjoying Vintage Folly and that made me sad.  I’d always seen blogging as more than just a hobby – it was a talent, an outlet for that talent.   Without it I felt a bit lost.

In an attempt to rekindle my blogging mojo, I went back to the beginning, to my earliest post and actually laughed at how much my writing had changed, how much I’d changed.  It was clear that the time had come to start afresh, with a new look, new name and new focus.

So I set myself a deadline – a very short deadline.  Too short!  Far too short for a PND sufferer who has anxiety attacks at the sight of any kind of form!  Because guess what the design end of a blog looks like?  Yup!  A series of tick boxes and text boxes….much like a form!

There have been a few bad days along the way and everal occasions where I stopped and started again – the blogging equivalent of throwing the Monopoly board in the air. But I got there thanks in no small part to a little help from my friends, especially Amber, Claire and Jane and most of all Phill who has been a complete diamond.

I still have a lot to do before my new blog is exactly the way I want it to be but for now welcome.  I hope you enjoy reading Marvellous Mrs P 🙂

Love Rachel ❤️

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