Love-heart Beret Tutorial

I have seen some very pricey love-heart shaped berets for sale, but I’ve also seen some very interesting DIY versions too.  As I’m loving Valentine’s crafts this year, I decided to have a go myself.

What do you think?  I’m giving myself some serious Queen of Hearts vibes!  So be careful with your comments or it’ll be off with your head 😂

You will need 

Red beret

Needle and thread



Comb (optional)

A sewing machine is preferable but you can manage without.


  • Turn the beret inside out
  • Pin the brim down to stop it from sliding around

  • Mark out a love heart shape
  • Loosely tack the around the love-heart shape
  • Machine stitch around the shape or hand stitch very tightly.  Take time to make sure you curve the edges

  • Remove the tacking stitches
  • Cut off the excess.   You need to cut quite close to the stitching
  • Remove the pins and turn your hat the right way
  • I found it helped to use a medium iron on the underside to really flatten out the shape

  • If you need to, sew a comb into the top of the love-heart to hold the beret on your hair

I really like how it turned out.

I have a beautiful vintage Kangol hat that was given to me by a dear old lady.  It’s really thick and would definitely have been a better base, but I just couldn’t bring myself to alter it.  So I bought a cheap one online for this experiment.   I’d have liked it to be a bit bigger but that’s just because I’ve got a big head!  For a first attempt I think it’s quite lovely and I’ll definitely be making a couple more.

Love Rachel ❤️


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