Simple Moon Milk Recipe

Never heard of moon milk?  Don’t worry, I’ve explained all about it here.

Moon Milk or Luna Lattes are causing an Instagram stir because they’re so pretty, but I figured a simple recipe would be the best place to start.  Aside from Ashwaganda, which you can buy online, you’ll probably have most of the ingredients already.

You Will Need (for one serving)

1 cup of milk (whatever kind of milk you prefer)

Half a teaspoon ground cinnamon

Pinch of ginger

Pinch of nutmeg

1 teaspoon honey

1/4 teaspoon Ashwaganda


  • Put all the ingredients into a pan and warm on a low heat, stirring all the time.
  • Continue to stir and heat until the milk begins to bubble.
  • Remove from the heat and use a hand blender to completely combine the milk and spices and to give the finished drink a smooth, frothy texture.
  • Serve immediately with a sprinkling of nutmeg.  If you want to be all pretty, get yourself a dandelion from the garden and pop a few petals on top ?

If you like this then maybe it’s time to experiment!  I’ve plenty of weird and wonderful flavour combinations to show you so check back soon.

Love Rachel ❤️

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