We have quite a collection of vintage china. OK I have quite a collection of vintage china. OK OK I have too much vintage china!
I’m trying to find ways to incorporate it on to decor so that Phill will stop suggesting that my ‘collection’ needs to be thinned. I think this idea is brilliant.
I bought some potted bulbs from the supermarket and salvaged some moss from our lawn. Phill is about to begin his annual obsession with the lawn and it’s about to be scarrified to within an inch of it’s life, so I didn’t feel guilty about removing the moss that with be gauged out soon anyway. But in general, it’s best not to remove moss and it’s brilliant for wildlife.
Anyway I digress. A little moss and some cheap daffs and hyacinths and I created these! Perfect for a pretty Springtime shelf or an Easter table scape.
What do you think?
Love Rachel ❤️